The Vermont Higher Education Council, Inc.

The Vermont Higher Education Council, Inc. (VHEC) is an organization of all Vermont chartered public, proprietary and independent colleges. Our mission is to explore and implement new forms of cooperative activity which will strengthen higher education in Vermont.

The Council members are Presidents/CEO’s of Vermont chartered colleges and universities, along with the CEO of the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).


For more than 30 years, the Vermont Higher Education Council (VHEC) has partnered with the Vermont Department of Education in reviewing applications from out-of-state institutions seeking to offer degrees in Vermont. Vermont law states that no institution can offer degrees in post-secondary education in Vermont without the advice of VHEC. Our review process and our standards are based on the New England Association of Schools and Colleges’ process and standards. We view our role as consumer protection in this area; and were involved in assisting the Department of Education in closing a diploma mill which opened illegally in Burlington in 1994.

Institutions interested in offering degrees in Vermont, should first contact the Vermont Department of Education for information about applying at 802-828-3135. Ask for the Post-Secondary Consultant.

Consortium of Vermont Colleges

The Consortium serves as a committee of VHEC. The Consortium is a group of Admissions representatives from VHEC member colleges and universities whose mission is to collaborate in promoting the wealth and diversity of higher education opportunities in Vermont and to highlight the attractiveness of the State of Vermont as an ideal setting for a college experience.

Publications and Data Committee

VHEC publishes each year data and information concerning higher education in Vermont. This data is used by our members, and/or other state entities. Much of our data collection is done in partnership with the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC).

Degree & Certificate Directory
Fall Enrollment Report
DATA BOOK on Vermont Higher Education